Indianapolis Indians to Host “Carpenter Realtors® Night”


Monday, August 9th is “Carpenter Realtors® Night” at Victory Field as the Indianapolis Indians AAA baseball team hosts our agents and their families and friends for a night at the Ol’ Ballgame.  In cooperation with the Indianapolis Star newspaper, Carpenter has challenged its agents to increase their activity levels and hold record numbers of Open Houses during the month of July.  For every Open House held, the agent receives a reserved box seat for the Monday night game.  Based on the results of the first three Open House Sundays in July, we are anticipating over 800 to attend the August 9th game.

Flyers, posters and penants have been distributed to each Carpenter office to promote the challenge.  Individual branches as adding to the promotion with fun activities at their weekly sales meetings.  Some branches are passing out Crackerjacks™ or baseballs to agents for each Open House held.

The results speak for themselves.  Carpenter agents and managers are meeting the July Open House “challenge” with record Open House activity.


Posted by: David Caveness


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